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Love Notes Card/Booklets.............February
© Copyright 2002 by AOK Corral Craft and Gift Bazaar.
All rights reserved.
These projects are for your personal use only and may
not be reprinted or copied without written permission from AOK Corral.
Materials Needed:
Construction Paper or Card Stock in
your favorite colors
White Paper
Hole Punch
Make a "Love Note" Card/Booklet:
Using the Heart
Patterns, Cut one large heart out of the thick colored paper or posterboard.
Cut 1 to 4 smaller hearts out of regular
white paper. (Cut out as many of the small hearts as you want to give you
enough room to write your "Love Note")
Punch Holes as indicated on the patterns.
Cut a piece of 1/4" ribbon that is
about 28" long.
Start threading the ribbon around the
heart; First, come up from the back through the top center hole of
the colored heart.
Leave at least 7" of the ribbon's end
at the back of the heart.
Work around the heart, going down through
the next hole, then up through the next, and so on.....(Keep ribbon from
twisting as you go around.)
When you get back to the top center
hole, this time you will go down through the hole.
Take both ends of ribbon and tie once
in a knot.
On the front of the colored heart,
center the small heart sheets and the doily. (The holes at the top
of the small heart sheets should be lined up with some holes in the battenburg

When you have them positioned, make
a pencil mark through the holes of the small heart sheets and battenburg
lace onto the colored heart.
Take the small heart sheets and doily
off, punch holes in the colored heart at the markings. (See photo)
Replace the small heart sheets and
doily and align all holes.
Bring one end of the ribbon up through
each hole.
Tie a bow with the ribbon ends.
Trim ribbon ends.
Write love notes for Valentines
Day, Anniversaries, or anytime.
Use lots of small heart sheets
and make a little girls notepad.
© Copyright 2002 by AOK Corral Craft and Gift Bazaar.
All rights reserved.
These projects are for your personal use only and may
not be reprinted or copied without written permission from AOK Corral.
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